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Pottery Olympics!
March will mark the first ever BPG Pottery Olympics!
There will be 4 games to be played in 2 heats!
The first heat will have Coilway To Heaven and Throw With Your Gut running at the same time, while the second heat will have Going Off The Handle and Two Hands Make Light Work at the same time.
You may sign up for up to two of the games, one from each heat. But if you only want to play one that is fine as well! All the games will have a set amount of time they are to be completed in and a pre-set amount of clay. See the descriptions and video clips below to see what the games are all about!
Heat 1
Coilway To Heaven
Make the tallest free standing coil built cylinder.
Throw With Your Gut
Recreate the premade shape while blindfolded.
Heat 2
Going Off The Handle
Pull the longest continuous handle.
Two Hands Make Light Work
Throw the tallest cylinder using only one hand each!
Want to play? Sign up below!